About the Institute

Who Are We?

The Summit Institute is a non-profit organization that works in cooperation with the Ministries of Health and Welfare, the Ministry of Defense, the Municipality of Jerusalem and the National Insurance, for over 50 years, to promote and rehabilitate three populations with unique therapeutic needs

Give every day

Foster Care for At-Risk Children

The Summit Institute accompanies and supports children who have been removed from their homes after severe abuse and/or neglect. The Summit Institute recruits and trains foster families for this role, provides assistance in the field of therapy and education for the children in the families, and accompanies the foster parents through support groups and professional guidance alongside enrichment activities and other ongoing assistance.

Adolescents and young adults and mentally challenged

The Summit Institute provides ground-breaking rehabilitation in the community for victims of abuse. The rehabilitation includes personal psychological treatment, social rehabilitation, psychiatric accompaniment, occupational rehabilitation, therapeutic community and sheltered housing.

The Summit Institute provides professional, comprehensive and in-depth treatment

Our vision is to ensure professional emotional support for populations with unique needs, for their rehabilitation and integration into normative life defined by an active and healthy community life - all in accordance with the Institute's core values.

A Word from our CEO:

As someone who has been involved in treatment and mental rehabilitation for many years, I am very proud to be the head of The Summit Institute , which has been in operation for over 40 years, caring for over 2000 rehabilitated people; children, young adults and parents alike.
From a professional point of view, The Summit Institute is a therapeutic, professional and renowned institute, which is always inspired to find optimal ways to improve, expand and deepen the treatment and rehabilitation for children, teenagers, young adults and their parents.

As a pioneer in the field of rehabilitation and mental treatment, The Summit Institute, as early as 1973, championed the rehabilitation of young people suffering from mental harm within the community framework, while operating outside the framework of psychiatric hospitals. From then until today, the Institute is considered among the professional community to be a pioneer in comprehensive psychosocial treatment, accompanying those we help towards leading independent and healthy lives.

In 2003, the Summit Institute took on the complex task of managing and implementing the foster care services in the Jerusalem and South districts. In this framework, the Institute recruits foster families, tests and trains the foster families, identifies children at risk, accompanies the foster families, and creates a professional and active foster community for families and children.

I am particularly proud, because together with our growth and development, The Summit Institute maintains a very high professional level. The staff members of The Summit Institute are first class professionals, who specialize and receive training in their specific fields of activity and benefit from professional recognition and respect for their achievements. The Summit Institute and myself advocate a high level of humanism and interpersonal interactions with our patients.

As someone who understands the fields of treatment and rehabilitation from years of professional experience, I am excited every day anew, and proud to manage The Summit Institute, headed by a team full of joy and commitment, which gives hope and meaning, and improves the quality of life of its patients.

Best regards,

Yoni Bogat, CEO of The Summit Institute

The members of the Executive Committee of the Summit Institute work voluntarily, to accompany the activity of the association and contribute to it in their individual areas of expertise.

Always Here for You

Director of Foster Care Services

Netta Siboni
Executive Director of The Summit Institute
Yoni Bogot

Manager of Finance, Administration and Accessibility

Sharona Sharet
Director of Resource Development and Public Relations
Mira Werker

Head of Professional Services

Danny Steinberg

Director of Therapeutic Rehabilitation

Neri Sraya
Director of External Affairs and Friends of Summit
Yael Proos Gantz

Our History

A look into the past

The Summit Institute was established by three therapy and education professionals who immigrated to Israel from the USA, where they were involved in the rehabilitation of teenagers with organic difficulties. The late Zvi Stiskin, Prof. Stanley Schneider and Dave Schonburon founded the Institute in Israel at the beginning of 1973. In its early years, the Institute's activities, which were established in the settlement of Almagor at the foot of the Golan, supported patients who came to Israel from the USA.

The Yom Kippur War forced the Institute to move to Jerusalem where it was located at 44 Shimon Street. With the success in rehabilitating those boys and girls who came from the USA, the Institute's activities expanded to Israeli youths as well, and in 1976 an agreement was signed with the kibbutz movement, through Dr. Mordechai Kapman, and twelve additional rehabilitation patients came to the Summit .

In 1977 Haim Deutsch took over the administration of the adolescent community. Later, in 1981, an outpatient clinic was also opened at the Summit, under the management of the late Hanita Berman, a framework that would soon become a unit of hostels and later the therapeutic community for adults under the management of Liora Harel.

In 1980, the then Minister of Health, Eliezer Shostak, visited the Summit, and following the visit, the Institute received recognition and a license and began to accept youth at the national level, not only from kibbutzim.

All three settings - the American unit, the Israeli unit and the outpatient clinic - were served by Summit's vocational rehabilitation center, where all the rehabilitated would go every morning.

The expansion of Summit's activities results in a major organizational change. In 1989, Haim Deutsch moved to the position of Deputy Director of the Institute and became responsible for the Israeli division, and Stanley Schneider continued to manage and focus on youth from abroad. Towards 1994, the insurance funding from the USA was stopped, and the American unit was closed. Shortly after, Stanley Schneider finished his position and the management of the Institute passed into the hands of Haim Deutsch.

Haim Deutsch managed Summit until June 2009. Under his directorship, the rehabilitation units expanded, and after the mental health reform, the sheltered housing framework was also established.

In 2003, Summit won the tender to operate the foster care service in the Jerusalem and Southern districts, and later, towards the middle of 2008, the "Mahot" center, a parent center for teenagers, was added to the Institute's activities, in cooperation with the Jerusalem Municipality and the Ministry of Labor and Welfare. In 2018, Summit won the operation of the therapeutic foster care services in the Jerusalem and Southern districts.

In June 2009, the management of the Institute was assumed by Yoni Bogat.

Our Activities

1. Emergency foster and foster family services

The Summit Institute manages and operates the service for foster families and emergency foster families in the Jerusalem and South districts, under the supervision of, and in cooperation with, the Ministry of Welfare, thus providing a response for babies and children at risk who have been removed from the custody of their biological parents.

Each child is assigned a unique care plan, coordinated and with the cooperation of the social services department, for the entire period they were in the foster family.

Join the foster families

The of a foster family:

  • Accompanying and guiding the foster families and the emergency nanny by foster carers.

  • Accompanying the proper development of the child and adolescent in all areas of life.

  • Establishing and nurturing a database of foster families to receive children.

  • Mobilizing resources to enrich the services provided to children and foster families.

2. Rehabilitation of the mentally challenged

The Institute works to rehabilitate mentally challenged people who suffer from mental and functional problems. Most often after psychiatric hospitalization. The therapeutic-rehabilitation program is based on comprehensive psychosocial treatment, which combines psychological treatment, psychiatric treatment and occupational rehabilitation.

The Summit Institute operates six therapeutic-rehabilitation units:

A therapeutic community for adults

A therapeutic community for young adults

sheltered housing

occupational rehabilitation

Sports, health and performing arts center

The Nitzan Unit'.

Reports and Documentation

Learn More

Donations to Summit Institute activities - because their future is in your hands

עמותת מכון סאמיט מזמינה אתכם לקחת חלק חשוב ומשמעותי ולהעניק סיכוי לילדים בסיכון.

איתכם ובזכותכם נוכל לקדם את הפרויקטים הבאים:

הפרויקטים שלנו באומנה:

  • Special accompaniment for children with special needs ליווי מתוגבר בו הילדים והמשפחות מקבלות מענה ייחודי אשר מסייע למשפחות ולילדים ומונע קריסות אומנה.

  • Find a warm home לאפשר לכל ילד וילדה שנאלצו לצאת מבית הוריהם לעבור תהליך שיקום משמעותי במשפחת אומנה אוהבת ומחבקת שהולמת את צרכיו הייחודים ולתמוך בדרך לעתיד טוב יותר.

  • Emergency Shelter Foster בעזרתכם ואיתכם נעניק למשפחות אומנת חירום שמעניקות מענה זמני 24/7 לתינוקות ופעוטות אשר הוצאו בצו חירום מבית הוריהם ימי כיף ,חווית מרעננות, טיולים, וציוד הכרחי לתינוקות וילדים.


כל התרומות לעמותת מכון סאמיט הינן מוכרות לצרכי מס על פי סעיף 46 א'.

תרומות ניתן להעביר באמצעות:

1. לתרומה מאובטחת Click here.

2. משלוח צ'ק לפקודת "מכון סאמיט" לת.ד. 10234, ירושלים, 91101.

3. Bank transfer:

    The International Bank – 31

    Talpiot branch, branch 074, Jerusalem

    Account No. 409-220604

קבלה לצרכי מס תשלח אליכם עם קבלת התרומה – עם תודה רבה מאיתנו לכם.

Special activities for our convalescents

We invite you to help us rehabilitate and promote the mentally challenged:

Projects: in rehabilitation:

  • "Summit Theater Group" The project consists of 20 members between the ages of 19-40 and uses theater as a form of rehabilitative therapy that encourages self-expression through acting and vocalization.

  • Parent's Group - More and more patients who turn to us are parents who need a unique solution that, in addition to helping them deal with mental difficulties, will also give space to the axis of parenting in their lives. The sheltered housing framework offers the parents treated by us additional support and accompaniment regarding the significant and complex role of parenting, all the more so since they are faced with massive and daily mental difficulties. Another goal of the accompaniment is to empower the parent, to give a significant place to his parenting and to allow him to be in touch with being a parent on the emotional and functional meanings arising from it.

  • Nizan Program Program for victims of sexual abuse From victims to victors- A program to empower and improve the quality of life of women facing mental illnesses as a result of sexual abuse.
  • מלגות לימודים- אנו מזמינים אתכם לתמוך ולעזור למתמודדים אשר בוחרים במסלול אקדמאי ומתקשים בתשלום הלימודים.


כל התרומות לעמותת מכון סאמיט הינן מוכרות לצרכי מס על פי סעיף 46 א'.

תרומות ניתן להעביר באמצעות:

1. תרומה מאובטחת Click here.

2. משלוח צ'ק לפקודת "מכון סאמיט" לת.ד. 10234, ירושלים, 91101.

3. Bank transfer:

    The International Bank – 31

    Talpiot branch, branch 074, Jerusalem

    Account No. 409-220604

קבלה לצרכי מס תשלח אליכם עם קבלת התרומה – עם תודה רבה מאיתנו לכם.

Summit Institute Partners

Government Offices:



Photos from the Summit Institute

Foster care for children at risk

Treatment and rehabilitation for the mentally injured

Parent center for teenagers

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