A Therapeutic Community For Young Adults

Therapeutic Community

Summit's Young Adults Unit is a 3-year comprehensive rehabilitation and treatment program. During the three years we help people who have gone through mental crises and their functioning has been affected as a result

Summit's Young Adults Unit is a 3-year comprehensive rehabilitation and treatment program.
During the three years we help people who have gone through mental crises and their functioning
Damaged as a result, to achieve independence, this through intensive psychotherapy and a plan
Rehabilitation that covers the various areas of life. We advocate the combination of psychotherapy together
With sociotherapy, emphasis is placed on a combination of imparting functional skills alongside recognition of
the inner world and on the integration of the person in the community. It is important to know that the group has a process
Very significant in the reconstruction process and many of the resources are invested in capacity building

The Therapy Process There are two stages in the therapeutic process:

The internal phase: The rehabilitation begins with two people living in a room in 8-10 year old apartments
partners, it is characterized by an active community life and an intensive schedule consisting of activities
Social, rehabilitative and various therapeutics. Employment in the first stage begins at the factory
The shelter where the staff is in close contact with the therapeutic and rehabilitation staff in the unit.

transition phase: After a year, the rehabilitated move to an apartment a short walk from the buildings
The central ones, living in the transition apartments are for 3-5 partners, each in a separate room.
There is a decrease in both the intensity of the schedule and the presence of the staff in the apartment. During the transition phase
Those rehabilitated are required to go to work in the free market.

The external phase: During the last year the members of the community rent an apartment independently
In the neighborhood, usually with partners they met during the program. There is another decrease in the amount of activities
Duty in the unit. There is a growing demand for independence, while continuing to be accompanied and treated.
Every year the community holds several trips, parties and cultural and social activities in production
of community members. Also, they are offered additional programs and activities within the institute,
and integration in the sports center.

The unit's staff includes: management, psychologists, social workers, arts therapists,
Instructors, nurse, psychiatrist and dietitian.

Acceptance criteria:

  • Age 22-35
  • Recognition by a rehabilitation basket
  • Motivation for the process of rehabilitation and treatment
  • Ability to stay unsupervised
  • A period of at least six months without suicidal attempts and the use of addictive substances
  • BMI is normal

Admission process: send appropriate documents to the secretariat via email- tali@summit.org.il

  • Medical documents - letter from a psychiatrist, diagnosis, medications, history of hospitalizations/treatments.
  • A letter from the candidate detailing after reading the program on the website, what are the reasons for them
    Interested in integrating into the community, a letter from supporting factors (caregivers/care coordinators) and me
  • Confirmation of the disability clauses of the unemployment insurance + confirmation of the rehabilitation basket.
  • Photocopy of ID card

After receiving the documents, you will be invited to an exposure meeting with the director of the unit together with the family,
The rest of the process will be explained to you there. Later in the process, you will be invited to an experience day at the protected factory,
An experience evening in the unit itself, the orientation meeting in the unit and then reception. date
Admission is subject to availability, the length of the wait varies.

The Therapeutic Community for Young Adults Address: 39 Tziporen Street, Gilo, Jerusalem

Phone: +972-2-6766020 Fax: +972-2-6766027
Unit's Mail young_adults@summit.org.il
מנהל היחידה – גלעד בר-לב gilad@summit.org.il

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Foster care for children at risk

Treatment and rehabilitation for the mentally injured

Parent center for teenagers

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