Rehabilitative Vocational Support Center

Occupational Rehabilitation

The Summit Institute's Vocational Support Center guides participants’ job searches, supports them throughout employment, schooling, and job training, and operates the Yetzir Kapayim supportive factory - which aids participants to explore their employment prospects and earning potential while developing vocational skills. Participants arrive at Summit’s Rehabilitative Vocational Support Center both from the Summit Institute’s therapeutic communities as well as from all over the Jerusalem area.

"יציר כפיים". מקבלי השירות התעסוקתי עוברים תהליך אבחון ושיקום הכולל פיתוח מיומנויות תעסוקתיות וכן מקבלים ליווי בהשמה בעבודה ו/או בלימודים ותמיכה בהשתלבות ובהתמדה במסגרת שבחרו. אנו מלווים משתקמים מקהילת המשתקמים של מכון סאמיט וכן ממקומות נוספים בירושלים.



The Challenges of Vocational Rehabilitation:

      • Functioning in a work environment – providing quality work through focus, creativity, high-quality efforts, responsibility, and initiative

      • Interpersonal relations in the work environment – building and maintaining appropriate workplace relationships.

      • Self-identity as a member of the workforce – creating a positive, realistic self-image as a productive member of the open job market.

    Stages of Vocational Rehabilitation
    מפעל מוגן מעברי – מיועד למקבלי שירות המתקשים לעבוד בשוק העבודה ונעזרים
    Pathway to Employment – A transitional course which provides a smooth transition on the journey toward job recruitment. The participant works in the free market as part of a group, guided by an on-site counselor.
    קבוצת הכנה לתעסוקה נתמכת – סדנה לקראת מעבר לעבודה והשמה.
    Work – Guidance and support for participants ready to join the job market. Each participant is assigned a dedicated consultant and recruiting counselor who accompanies him or her throughout the job search, interviews, and acclimation process, including contact with the employer as needed.
    Studies – After making a well-informed, collaborative decision to return to school, participants require approval from the Ministry of Health Therapy Basket Committee or National Insurance Institute in order to receive funding.
    תעסוקה נתמכת – ליווי בהשמה ובהשתלבות בעבודה ו/או בלימודים:
    בעבודה – ליווי ותמיכה למשתקמים בעבודה. כל משתקם מלווה ברכזת תעסוקה הנמצאת
    הצורך בקשר רצוף  וקבוע עם  מקום העבודה.
    בלימודים – לאחר החלטה מושכלת ומשותפת על יציאה ללימודים, נעשית פנייה לוועדת סל- שיקום או למוסד לביטוח לאומי לקבלת סיוע ומימון לצורכי לימודים.



    The principles of the rehabilitation process in employment
    The Summit Institute’s employment program focuses on making gradual progress
    at the right pace for each individual participant
    We believe gradual, supported steps that incorporate the abilities and motivation levels of each participant are
    important for making progress toward productive, satisfying employment.

    In order to succeed in the workforce, participants must fulfill
    the following criteria:

        • Motivation to be employed

        • Willingness to accept the idea of rehabilitative therapy at work

        • A commitment to work diligently

        • A commitment to aim for high-quality results

        • A commitment to appropriate workplace behavior

        • Understanding, internalizing and accepting basic conditions such as: salary, vacation and permanent work.

        • Alongside all of these, the right to fair and respectful treatment in the workplace is, of course, arbitrary and exists.

      Application and Acceptance to the Supported Employment Program
      Candidates are able to apply to the Supported Employment Program through a number of channels: local mental health
      clinics, private therapists, or independently. The application requires previous approval from the relevant funding organization,
      המתאים, לרבות ועדת סל שיקום, משרד הביטחון או ביטוח לאומי. לכל מועמד ייערך ראיון,
      candidate is then interviewed twice. The staff presents the various program options to each candidate and together they
      assess the appropriate program for each participant. Once the approvals are confirmed, the acceptance process is brief and, in most cases, immediate


      מוזמנים/ות להתרשם בעשייה שלנו באמצעות ביקור ב-'יציר כפיים'.

      For more information and to apply, contact the Director of Psychosocial Rehabilitation or the External Participant Coordinator at +972-2-6733548.
      המשתקמים האקסטרניים טל': 052-5499952, 026480022
      employment: 4 Maase Hoshev Street, Jerusalem
      Address for documentation: The Summit
      Institute, PO Box 10234, Jerusalem 91101
      טלפון:  02-5471512 פקס: 02-5471517

      Questions and Answers

      Important Questions.

      Other questions?

      Please fill in the details and we will get back to you as soon as possible

      Foster care for children at risk

      Treatment and rehabilitation for the mentally injured

      Parent center for teenagers

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